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NYCU Laboratory Animal Center

Procedures for laboratory animal entering

  • Update Date:2023-08-30
  • Units:Laboratory Animal Center
"Before 7 days animal entering"
  1. Please confirm the cage space with the LAC-CT before ordering, and submit an application on the system  "7 days before" the animal enters.
  2. The application for laboratory animal entering  is unified by the "laboratory animal management system". ( NYCU Portal )
  3. Fill it out and send it to the principal investigator(PI) for review.
"On the day of animal entering"
  1. The staff will put the laboratory animal transport box into the designated holding room, and prepare the sterilized IVC cage and drinking water. Unpack and divide it into the IVC cage in the sterile laminar flow by yourself. Remember to fill in the cage card and user feeding management record sheet.
  2. The abandoned transport boxes must be placed neatly in the dirty passage and disposed of by the staff.
  3. After completing the application form for animal use protocol, the laboratory animal entry application can be made.


p.s. Students must first ask their PI to register an account, in order that various applications must be reviewed by the PI.  Also, PI can designate an assistant or a student to act as surrogate reviewer.

